Zero tolerance for bullying or any other anti-social behaviours
The rights of one individual does not outweigh the rights of any other individuals, let alone a collective. Families will be asked to work with the staff at the playschool regarding incidents of bullying. If required, consultation with an external medical and/or behavioural specialists may be recommended to rectify the behaviours.

Talking to children about their behaviours will build values around emotional intelligence and mindfulness. Hence developing coping skills, problem solving strategies and specific dialogue to communicate their needs and feelings.
Believe Playschool’s practices and approaches are built on respect, therefore our expectations irrespective of age is respectful two-way relationships with children, families and teachers. We role model respect, communication and consideration.
There are 3 rules for all children that reinforces this, and makes it easy for them to assess what is and isn’t appropriate.
- Have fun
- Be safe
- Be respectful and considerate (kind)
If you break one rule you are usually violating at least another rule, if not for yourself, for someone else. Furthermore, it is simple for children to remember.
Understand the Believe Playschool principles and values regarding school readiness please see link below.

Believe Playschool is a passionate advocate for child protection and safety, so please do not hesitate to report concerns about the treatment of children in our care to our principal. Violence, aggression, abuse or neglect towards children will not be tolerated and we will take immediate action. We embed child protection, privacy and consent in our education programs to empower children to understand their rights to safety.
All teachers are mandatory reporters which means by law we are required to report any signs of abuse, neglect or mistreatment of children in our care. Consequently, adult egos don’t come into consideration as we are here to support and protect children. Families with a Custody Order in place need to provided copies with your Enrolment Book because Believe Playschool cannot implement them without having copies.
The Children and Young Person (Care and Protection) Act 1998 emphasises that the care of children and young people is a responsibility shared by families, government and the agencies working in partnership. To find out more about the policies and procedures for those working in child protection services below.